Learn German - Phrases about driving cars

 Cars are an indispensable part of our lives, so we must know the German sentences related to cars In this video, you will learn phrases about cars and driving them in German

Learn -German - -Phrases -about -driving -cars

Watch this video to hear the pronunciation of the words correctly

Die Batterie war leer The battery was dead
Schau in den außenSpiegel Look in the outside mirror
Schnall dich bitte an
buckle up please
Das Auto hat zwei Seitenspiegel The car has two side mirrors
Bitte schalte den Motor an Please turn on the engine
in der stadtbeträgt
die höchstgeschwindigkeit
50 km/h
in the city the speed limit is 50 km/h
Halte einen Sicherheitsabstand Keep a safe distance

Phrases about driving cars

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